So I'm contemplating working from home today since NOT working is obviously not an option. I've been a bad blogger, and it's not for lack of trying... I've been reading and commenting as much as possible, but writing my OWN post (at least for me) takes a good 20 minutes of uninterrupted JMai time, which I find is impossible to get while at work. Then I get home, and half the time, Chulo and I have appointments with potential DJs and florists and other wedding-related bollocks. The rest of the time, it's the same old story -- we barely have time enough to make/have some dinner, and relax together for a few moments before it's time for bed. Any online time has been spent researching honeymoon options, trying to skim the guest list, and budgeting. And frankly, I don't suppose you guys want to read about that. Although I really appreciated all the comments on the singles issue. Of course I still have not made my mind up about it, because against all wisdom to the contrary, I am still trying my best to make everyone happy. I guess I will just cross that bridge when I come to it. I have some time before having to make an iron-clad decision on that, regardless of pressure.
What's this? J-Lo is releasing a new album entirely in Spanish? Hmmm.... we all know she cannot actually speak Spanish, so this has Marc Anthony written all over it. Maybe he's been giving her lessons.
So since I have nothing interesting to write about other than work, wedding, and the evil cold/flu season ... I will leave you all with previously promised photos of happier times: our cruise.
This was our first formal night. We were too tired (and late) to dress up for the second formal night... I brought that other dress for nothing!
Sing it with me: Gin and coconut water... (yeah, I don't know the rest of the words, but it's a cool song and that IS a coconut filled with some alcohol that may as well be gin)
One of the starfish that Chulo found on the beach in Mexico... I have a couple of photos where he is holding the starfish, but he would kill me if I posted those! Turst me that he looks so cute in his swim trunks and snorkel mask!
Big ass stingrays in Grand Cayman. Yes, we went swimming with them. Yes, I screamed my ever-loving head off. But it was awesome. No one got stung (except one lady got stung by a jelly, but that's not the rays' fault)
Local artist in Belize, where it was at least 700 million degrees. He made all these awesome sculptures from Belizean jungle woods. We bought the pelican that you can maybe just make out on the bottom left of the table.
See now, I feel better just having looked at those photos again. Is it time for another vacation yet?