Meet the Parents
...would you run?
Ahhh, poor dad. He's so cute. Always posing for the photos. I figure I have a lifetime of getting him back on film since he was the budding weekend photog during my gawky teenage years and OHMYGOD there are so many exceptionally unflattering photos of me roaming about that he simply would NOT delete (or, in the old days, rip up and burn the negatives) because would you look at that lighting!? And oooh the composition is so artistic!
-making a gagging face-
Come to think of it, I'm sure dad has some photos where I was making that very same face.
Anyway, the parents were down for a brief visit this weekend (before jetting off on their transatlantic cruise to -- hello! Spain and Italy -- good God, how I despise them! And by despise I mean feel insanely jealous of their international travel lifestyle and wish desperately that I was still little and could tag along. So there were two options -- miss out on seeing Chulo this weekend, or drop him immediately into the boiling oil that is my family.
Boiling oil it is!
And he did smashingly well. They like him... I didn't even have to ask. I'll let dad ruminate for a while since he's at sea, but we'll be seeing them again in a couple of weeks (flying up to spend the weekend with the parents in very serene setting in upstate NY, before heading south --as in to hades-- for the wedding) and I will question him then... see what he thinks. He's the kind of person though, that you can always see it in his face even if his mouth is saying something else. And when we dropped them off at the port and he shook Chulo's hand and said it was good to meet him... yeah, he meant it.
The guy is just so kind and sweet and respectful. I know I use that word a lot when describing him but it's one of his prime characteristics. I guess it's been a while (or maybe ever) since I've been with someone who was raised with the same values as I was.
No question that Mom likes him. She said you can tell immediately that he'll be a good father. That made me smile and I'm still smiling thinking about her saying it, with absolutely no prompting from me.
It really does matter to me if my friends and family like the person I'm with. Because I figure if they don't, then there may be something about him that I am missing whilst gazing lovingly through my rose-coloured glasses. Of course there's always something, but the little things I can pick up on my own, and then decide if I'm willing to deal with them or not. And what I'll deal with is not always reasonable... Like I will (or, mejor dicho, I have in the past) put up with selfishness and inconsideration (which I suppose are two branches of the same tree) and immaturity, but I once broke up with a guy because of the pansy way he swallowed Coke. I mean I cannot even really explain the motion ... but trust me, it wasn't pleasant to watch. And of course that's not the whole reason I broke it off, but it was up there. And it kinda coloured the other things about that at the end of the relationship he was just this wimpy-guzzle Coke drinker.
I know, I'm crazy.
It's late and I'm rambling for no good reason. Or for the simple reason that I'm still awake and shouldn't be. The truth is I started this post several hours ago (pre-Wallace & Gromit with pizza) and knew just the photo of dad I wanted to post but was too lazy to look for it just then so when I headed to bed I realised I'd left the computer on and decided to find the photo and finally finish my post.
How's that for commitment?
Anyway it is so very past my bedtime so I'ma scoot but just so ya know, he met the parents, he came out of it unscathed (and so did they, and for that matter, so did I), and it was general happiness all around.
Actually this evening I was thinking that this weekend was SO good that it felt like a long weekend when it wasn't.
And now all I have to do is wait for next weekend to hurry up and arrive so I can see him again. -sigh-