For the Teabag in All of Us

Not that kind of teabag. Don't be gross.

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Location: South Florida, United States

If I go about this properly, the blog will (eventually) explain enough about me, so let me just explain the blog, or at least the title of it, here:

"A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water."
--Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Crazy Old Cat Lady

It's official. I am over 30, single, and now... I have a cat. I am well on my way to being the Crazy Old Cat Lady of Plantation.

I'm not even sure how it happened. I visited my friend Diane on Thursday night (I had some business up her way so I got to sneak in a bonus visit). She was fostering a cat because she volunteers at her local humane society and they were having a bit of a cat-flu epidemic, so the shelter asked the volunteers to take home the healthy cats so that the others could be quarantined. Let me just say that Diane is NOT a cat person, she is a dog person all the way through. But she fell in love with this little cat that she took home. And I love cats. I love dogs too, but I can't remember ever not having a cat while I was growing up ...but I am allergic to them. I didn't really know it til college and moving away from home... my first trip back I spent sneezing, wheezing and barely breathing. Ick. But I still love them, so whenever I visit cat people (like Nat), I pop a claritin and move on, and try to refrain from petting the cats.

But at some point during my brief visit, Diane got it into her head that I should adopt this cat. And she would NOT SHUT UP about it until I finally started thinking... ok, well... what's the worst that could happen? I'll take a daily pill for a week or two, and then I'll be fine. I've done it before, when I moved back home with my parents and the likes of Fat Frankie the two-toothed wonder. I was a little hesitant, but I could use the company, and she's painfully cute ... so I adopted her.

I left the cat with Diane and drove up to Orlando on Friday evening, spent some time with my grandma (who is a total cat person and completely psyched about my new buddy) and then popped in on the Cherjovsky clan. Then I drove back down today and met Diane and picked up my cat. The poor thing meowed the whole way down ... I was gonna take her out of the box and let her roam around the car while I drove but I was afraid I might not be able to get her back in the box when we got home. We got home and she spent the entire afternoon snooping around my house, looking in every nook and cranny, just investigating. She's a lovey little purrbox, though, and right now she's taken up residence behind my laptop on the desk. Too cute.

I don't know what to name her ... I'm open to suggestions. She came with the name Roxy but I'm generally averse to naming pets with normal people names. Since she's so nosy, I thought of Snoops (sounds too much like poops), or since she's all orangey I thought maybe Lady Marmalade (too long) or Ginger Spice (too trashy) or Nutmeg (a viable possibility). Diane wants me to call her Lovey but I think that's gay and too Gilliganesque. One thing I've noticed about this cat is that she's an acrobat. She gets up on her hind legs like a dog when she's investigating things, and she likes to perch in random spots -- this is characteristic of most cats but today, she actually jumped onto the back of my desk chair and sat there... which is no small feat considering the thing is probably about 1/2 inch wide. And she likes to sit on my shoulder. So I'm thinking I might call her Soleil, after le cirque du soleil. I'm not sure though.

Take a peek and gimme your thoughts:


Blogger sassinak said...

couple comments
.cats name themselves, give her some time and she'll tell you her name (i agree re the people names but harriet named herself... and took FOUR MONTHS to do it!)
.the natural cat by anitra fraser has some good tips for cat rearing AND some diet hints for you regarding cats
.the better the food you feed the less allergens are produced (wellness, wysong etc)
.yay cats!
.she's beautiful

2/06/2006 01:39:00 AM  
Blogger JMai said...

I will check out the anita fraser book... I haven't had a pet in so long, I feel like I have no idea what to do with her! This morning, after we woke up, she's been by my side meowing and purring while I'm getting ready, and I feel like she wants something, but other than attention... what? I feel bad that I have to leave her and go to work!

Yay! Isn't she precious? I love her little mittens.

2/06/2006 07:22:00 AM  
Blogger Natalia said...

I am just happy you have not taken Hermione since that will be my next cat.

She looks so adorable. I am sure she will be a happy kitty. And my mum gave you enough bloody advice about the little house-building thingy and all.

I like Nutmeg because two of my cats growing up were Cinnamon and Vanilla. Nutmeg seems natural. Soleil is a great name but few people will pronounce it correctly and that's a headache... erm Natalia knows this.

Yaay CAT!!! Axl has a little cousin now.


2/06/2006 09:43:00 AM  
Blogger da buttah said...

she's gorgeous!

i'm not a cat person, at all, and i too am allergic..but, i found little lulu and a year later, she and i are pretty good buddies.

but when i first found lulu, she would follow me around and just purr. now she just follows me, and (this i absolutely thing is adorable) watches me put on make-up like a little girl

female cats are talkative, and rescue cats know what's going on. they know when they have a permanent home and they're insanely happy about finally getting one

highly recommend greenie treats (teeth cleaning on cats is insanely expensive, and they are more prone to gingavitus (sp?)) for a name, i named mine lulu because that's the first name that popped in my head when i found her.

named my dog sofie because that's the first name i said when i sat down to play with her.

she'll let you know, and you'll just know. do what comes naturally!

oh! and congrats! pet ownership is awesome ;) and i know tons of websites for cheap cat tree's etc, lemme know if you need anything

2/06/2006 04:32:00 PM  
Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

Hooray for your little kitty!

Cats DO name themselves. Mine have stupid names, but what can I do?

I liked lady marmalade but then peeps would be calling her Marmie like little women. No.

It'll come. Give it time. Just call her Fuzzbutton in the meantime.

2/06/2006 06:08:00 PM  
Blogger JMai said...

Butt -- calling her Hermione would be like you calling your daughter Olivia. Friends don't take friends' planned names. I could call her Crookshanks but she doesn't have the tail for it. She's an active little thing, though! You have to see her jumping around the place. Kim also voted for Nutmeg because she thinks it'll be good if I call her Nutty. CNN Kim, not neurotic roommate Kim.

Elle -- I think that's what this cat did this morning ... she was all meowmeowmeow from the moment we woke up and she just hung out and watched me get ready. So funny! I will look out for the greenie treats. As for cat posts, this little one is scheduled for a vet visit on Saturday, and she is going to be declawed (front paws) soon after that. She's a little too aggressive with my furniture and carpeting.

Queen -- I like lady marmalade too but I would wind up calling her lady for short, and I think that's a) overdone and b) better for dogs. So far she doesn't mind me calling her pretty girl, kitty, and goofygoo. And thanks for visiting!

2/06/2006 09:05:00 PM  
Blogger da buttah said...

i got my cat declawed...i had to, she was ruining everything i owned

that said, they have laser claw's a lot less invasive for them, she was healed in a week too. lot more expensive though. ALOT. that, and my lil then 4lb cat got all addicted to the phent patch they gave her so she was kind of a zombie for about two weeks after i brought her home..haha

2/07/2006 08:05:00 AM  
Blogger Natalia said...

I am all for nutmeg.

And even though I shall never have kids, when Robert and I thought about it briefly...Olivia was the name we picked...hehehe. So you are safe... Olivia is all yours...and Diane's :)


2/07/2006 01:09:00 PM  
Blogger terry said...

i vote for nutmeg! although i like goofygoo, too. and that will make for much amusement when you make an appointment at the vet...

(oh, and hi! the queen of cheese sent me here. and imagine my surprise when i recognized you from sass's comments page! small world.)

2/07/2006 05:39:00 PM  
Blogger Hubris said...

Will you shout & throw cats at those who pass too close to your front porch?

2/07/2006 06:56:00 PM  
Blogger JMai said...

Elle -- I'm poor. She's getting declawed the normal way. And she is going to be sooooo pissed at me, but it must be done!

Butt -- I never knew that about you and Robert! Huh. Ok well I might not ever have kids either at the rate I'm going, so maybe Olivia is just Diane's then.

Terry -- Hullo and thanks for stopping by! Goofygoo is something I call just about everyone and everything small and adorable. Nutmeg is getting a lot of votes! I'm still not sure though.

Hubris -- That made me laugh right out loud. I hope I never get that bad. Now I just have visions of flying cats clawing their way through the air. Aww.

2/07/2006 09:28:00 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

ohmgoshiloveyourcat! i think the part of me that's supposed to react in a certain way for babies was wired wrong, because i totally go nuts for kitties. in that obnoxious "ohmygodyourcatissoCUTEcanipether? ohwowsheissoSWEET!!" way. so, uh, i'll try to refrain. i also like nutmeg, it's an adorable name for a cat (tho i would definitely then call it nutty)

2/07/2006 09:35:00 PM  
Blogger JMai said...

Thank you! You can pet her anytime you like, she's a full-time attention whore so it'll give me a chance to do something else while she's occupied with Alice-love!

Nutmeg is a clear favourite but I'm just not sure if it's quite her.

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